Love the Foundation of Life

Scripture Reading - John 13:34-35 KJV

34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

As we (ihlcc) contemplated a very serious situation with a church member it dawned upon us that love was (and usually is) the key. The Christian’s understanding of love is the primary reason many people stumble and fall taking others down with them. Love is the sweet aroma that attracts the bees to flowers. Love is the drink of champagne that brings righteous couples the overwhelming joy and peace of God. Love is the heart that draws people closer to God. In essence Love is the center of the universe and everything else revolves around Him. Yes, for sure you can see that God is Love and God is all about Loving others and loving all His beautiful children is chief (top priority). Now, we will be somewhat more specific by stating all people should seek love. When we mention love in this context we are not speaking of the general human love people experience upon the earth. The general human loves that deeply cares for another can be felt by both saints and sinners but it can (and will) fade with time and opinion. No, we are not referring to that love at all. Yes, the common love for certain people is necessary and good but it only accomplishes half the job because it can carry one across the earth but it cannot carry a loved one to Heaven. However, the “Agape” divine love covers everything from completeness in Heaven to the emptiness (voids) upon the earth. When we speak of seeking love what we mean is taking the necessary time to become intimately acquainted with God’s Divine Love. Yes, we are definitely recommending that every person upon this earth study the subject of love from God’s perspective to gain personal revelation from the Lord. This task is of course impossible to the unbeliever because they don’t know God (void of a relationship) but possible for all saints, His beloved Children. The child of God must be taught that loving people as our Heavenly Father loves us is the key to all life not just their life. This subject is too precious to be overlooked or lightly esteemed. Love is as powerful a force on earth as it is in Heaven and as a matter of fact according to 1 Corinthians 13:2 without love you are nothing. Nothing basically meaning you are of no useful value to God or to your fellow man. This means much time and attention must be given to the study of this Person of Love to have the proper Personality to Love all people. For you see, our faith friend, love is not a topic for a day or week but rather a lifestyle to embrace forever. Love is continuously watching over you but are you in the right position to receive from Him, for if He is truly over you, you through complete submission should be totally under Him. Can love show you His Ways or are you too busy living for yourself. We (ihlcc) have given much time and effort to know love better and yet we still come up woefully short on completely understanding the depths of His (God’s) Great Love. Why, is this so important? Someone may ask, well we respond that love could make the difference between your spouse being gentle and kind as opposed to mean spirited and foolish. Yes, love has wisdom and knowledge inherit within Him. Love, always considers first those around Him such that He puts others first, then Himself (His Will) second. This is precisely why walking in love with those around you is the foundation of all Christianity. We would much rather have a Christian in our presence that knew very little about the Word of God but had a loving heart because they would be easy to train up in God’s Word (His Ways) because they are meek and humble. However, on the contrary, many people think they totally understand God’s Word but they are void of a loving heart toward others. These maybe false brethren or carnal Christians but either one are shamefully deceived. Those who think they know much about God’s Word but lack the loving heart of God actually know nothing because their view of God is skewed. How can one know God’s thoughts when they don’t even have God’s Mind when it comes to being as God Is. Remember loving others is a commandment not an option according to today’s verse 34. Yes, loving others comes as an automatic byproduct of loving God first. This is why we (ihlcc) strongly proclaim that each child of God must take this challenge upon themselves to seek God’s perfect Will concerning how to Love others for then they are in a better position to inherit God’s Heart. Oh, our dear faith friend, once you have God’s Heart there is no replacement in Heaven and Earth that can even come close to the awesome peace and joy that accompanies being AS GOD. Love will always treat people with respect and honor because that is who Love Is. Love will go the extra distance to reach out to a partner because their well-being is very important to Love (Him, Jesus). This short article is not intended to reveal the multiple blessing of Love but rather to ignite a spark to start the flame of God’s Love in your heart. Is Love the answer to all your problems?, probably not but can Love relieve the majority of your problems definitely Yes, and Amen in the Name of Jesus Christ! Please don’t mis-understand us by thinking that walking in love means doing whatever someone says but rather walking in complete “Agape Love” means you are so close to the Lord that you clearly hear His Voice because you spend adequate time in His Word to understand what He is saying specifically unto you. Once you are equipped with this accurate knowledge of God you understand specifically (which is better than generally) exactly what you must do and you have the strength of God accompanying you to do it. That our faithful friend is God’s Perfect Will manifesting in your life and that is experiencing Love as your personal foundation for life. Praise God for His Love and thank-you Father God and Jesus for giving us this awesome holy “foundation” to partake of your Heavenly (divine) abundant life right now down here upon this earth. Since God’s Love is the Believers “foundation of life” all those who know not how to love are at a great disadvantage. Don’t be ignorant of God’s Ways concerning His “Agape Love” or you will always be a stumbling block (an offense) to your friends and family members in the Body of Christ. If we truly love God we shall love His Children because that is who we are and that is Who’s we are. Amen!